Incoming Inspection

Manufacturers need to confirm the quality of their raw materials.  NMR is quantitative, specific and nearly universal, making it ideal for confirming purity of reagents, solvents before use in sensitive reactions.   Mistakes and malice happen.  Contaminants and adulteration must be discovered before raw materials are used to prevent serious downstream consequences.   Permanent magnet NMR is adequate to characterize bulk solvents, oils and high abundance components of product formulations like alcohols and sweeteners.  Mid-field HTS magnets are a better choice to characterize reagents for pharmaceutical or fine chemical production.  Both type of Process NMR are cryofreee, portable and offer comparable sensitivity to optical instruments but with improved bandwidth to see more features and, thus, better specificity.  Manufacturers who adopt Protasis instrumentation can ensure high product quality and minimize downstream problems.

Protasis supports PAT solutions forcode_665_cp-1315384011

  • raw materials consistency
  • in process monitoring
  • composition analysis
  • label claim verification
  • authenticity determination
  • adulteration detection

One-Minute NMR automation is available on picoSpin detectors at 45 MHz and 80 MHz and on CryFree HTS Veritas NMR systems at 200 MHz and 400 MHz.

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Incoming Inspection

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Protasis OEM Supplier:

Cryofree 200 MHz HTS Magnet by HTS-110 (New Zealand).  No cryogen fills… ever!


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Incoming Inspection


Pfizer-Protasis SciEx2013 Talk

Show key slides from SciEx2013 talk by David Foley.