• Structure Confirmation

    Answer, “Did I Make What I Thought I Made?”

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Open-Access, High Throughput Structure Confirmation

The Protasis One-Minute NMR control system reduces operator intervention requirements of Varian and Bruker software and hardware by automating sample lists; monitoring system suitability and performance, and reporting and automatically correcting common software and electronic problems of these systems. Medicinal chemists now have the ability to import sample lists from spread sheets or log-in through a few mouse clicks. E-mail reports are generated for groups of samples as they are finished. The control system provides an open interface to any structure confirmation and back-end processing software, and uses a built-in web-based interface to ACD/Labs’ 1D and 2D Structure Verification processing and databasing platform. Once processed, stored NMR results, molecular structures, and functional group assignments can be conveniently accessed through HTML links to use the full power of ACD/Labs NMR Spectrum Manager.

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AbbottNutrition, Columbus, OH

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One-Minute NMR can keep pace with your production workflow!