CryoFlow NMR Automation
Accept microplates and walk-up vials on your Agilent or Bruker cold probe!
Flow inserts drop into your cold probe like a tube, but have inlet tubing that goes out a port in the bottom of your magnet and then connects to the loop injection valve on the CTC/LEAP liquid handler. Outlet tubing goes out the top or your magnet and either goes to waste or back to the liquid handler for sample recollection. Samples can be loaded in about two minutes.  Samples can be loaded reproducibly in the sample solvent but will be diluted due to normal dispersion. Alternatively, an immiscible fluorocarbon push liquid can be used to bracket the samples, maintain the original concentration and eliminate dispersion entirely as shown in the photo.
- Use wide-bore (~250um ID) inlet/outlet tubing.
- High flowrates (~100uL/min typ.)
- Rapid loading time (~2 minutes typ.)
- Low back-pressure (~150psig typ.)
- Choice of flowcell sizes (e.g., 15uL, 30uL and 60uL active volumes available)
- Removable flowcell is easy to clean
With Zero Dispersion Sample Loading (ZDSL):
- Exactly match active volume to optimize S/N
- Maintain original concentration when parked
- Run multiple sample solvents with one pump
- Reduce rinsing volumes between samples