MicroNMR delivers an exquisite balance of sensitivity, simplicity and economy. Protasis CapNMR probes are available at proton frequencies ranging from 300 MHz to 800 MHz for Bruker, Agilent and JEOL magnets. Probes are offered in indirect (e.g. 1H{13C} and 1H {31P}) and triple resonance configurations (e.g. 1H{13C, 15N}) and employ a high-strength z-directed field gradient. The flowprobes come with the choice of two flowcell volumes: a 5 µl flowcell with an NMR active volume of 2.5 µl, and a 10 µl flowcell with an NMR active volume of 5 µl. The fluidic connections are 100 µm i.d. and 1/16" o.d. FEP Teflon with hastaloy unions for exceptional solvent compatibility.