We want our NMR probes to help you do your job; to publish, obtain funding and to
advance your area of science. What are the REAL hardware issues to consider?
A probe where < 10 μL and < 25 μg of material is sufficient for NMR analysis.
A probe that can be easily installed and shimmed by your NMR facility manager and used by your staff and students.
A probe where sample introduction and recovery do not require that you become a fluidics expert.
A probe that does not require extensive maintenance and service.
A probe where the S/N is preserved even if the salt concentration is high.
A probe that does not need NMR tubes
A flowprobe with minimal solvent rinse requirements < 50 μL yields < 1 % carryover.
A probe that accommodates a wide range of solvents buffers, and pH conditions.
An NMR measurement solution that does not require a huge capital equipment budget.
A probe that is easily repaired in a timely manner and for a reasonable fee if damaged.
The ability to completely recover your samples.